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Chilling out on holiday break

Dear Family & Friends

It was nice to have a short but very long overdue visit to see family on the other side of the world. An eye opening for the now grown up ladies and they immediately fell in love with the families - most of whom they have never met in their life time.

most ideal place to just chill all day long

Besides meeting the families, we all enjoyed a wonderful time full of laughter, news updates, never ending fun time going sightseeing, and eating every hour of the day and night!

Island beach life

We also had a great escape from winter discomfort to summer discomfort - all in a good way. Life is good:)

sunset at the end of the day

As with everything, even good fun comes to an end - all too soon:( We are so grateful for everything and we will forever cherish this memorable holiday.

Till my next post, I wish you a good day today.


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